Our Daily Journal

"Dear Diary: I met the CUTEST boy today! His name is Desdemona! I already know a lot about him. He has a pretty dark brown complexion, but he can be green, too! Also, his favorite food is crickets. *And just between you and me, he's REALLY good at doing push ups O:-) tee hee hee*"

04/24/03: Wow. It's been a long time since I've been here. I do have good reason, though. On October 26, 2002, Cammy died. We bought new heating equipment, but it burned out in the middle of the night. I'm guessing she died somewhere between 12-3 AM. So, I decided to go to work getting Dezzy's cage perfect. After a while, strange lumps appeared on his neck. Fearing abscesses, I took him to the herpvet for a checkup. Turns out Dezzy had the gout *a buildup of uric acid under the skin in the neck*. It wasn't deadly; it just meant he was an elderly anole. The herpvet gave me medicine for him. It was some sort of elixir that made him hungrier. It smelled strangely like strawberry jelly. It worked very well. However, on December 13, 2002, I found him on the floor of the cage *where I found Cammy; it seems to be what anoles do; kind of an "elephant graveyard"-type thing; I think it's so they will feed the ground after they die, so their passing will benefit the life cycle; I've never been prouder :-)*. He was still alive, and I figured the cage would be too cold for him. My hands have always been very warm, so I held him all through the night and softly sang songs to him so he would sleep. I drifted off every now and then, but when I woke up, he was freaking out. I think he'd just become blind. I soon calmed him back down, and he slowly went back to sleep. When I woke up that morning, he was gone. Then I went to my high school and took the ACT. I still managed to get a 27, though. I miss you so much, Cammyndezzy... Well, I'm finally over their passing. I miss them, but I am wise enough to say goodbye. Dezzy was easier to recover from, as his dying felt more final. Well, the good news is that I will get another anole sometime. This summer, I will continue building the "ginormous" *my word; pronounced jI-nor'-mus* cage I had started last year. I'm planning things out more this time than before. Now, I know what to do and what not to do. I will get one anole for this cage -- a female. I'm naming her Iris *Iris was the Greek goddess of rainbows and colors; she was in Shakespeare's "The Tempest," so she qualifies. Also, Iris often represents a bridge between the sky and the earth*. This time, I'm getting the healthiest anole there. The cage, when it is finished, will be perfect. It will be a tiny ecosystem, with running water, heat from above, live plants, everything. Well, Cammyndezzy, you will always be missed by your parents. Please, if you're still here, help Iris once she gets here. Good night, sweet prince and princess.

For October 2002's news, go here. For May 2002's news, go here.
For June 2002's news, go here
For July 2002's news, go here
For August 2002's news, go here

Want to go back without the help of the stupid "Back" button on your browser that never works because it's a stupid piece of sh- *manager: "Nick, calm down"* Oh, sorry. Anyway, to go back, click your heels one time. *see? We're more energy efficient than Dorothy's stupid shoes! :-p*