Our Daily Journal

"Dear Diary: I met the CUTEST boy today! His name is Desdemona! I already know a lot about him. He has a pretty dark brown complexion, but he can be green, too! Also, his favorite food is crickets. *And just between you and me, he's REALLY good at doing push ups O:-) tee hee hee*"

10/22/02: Ladies and not-so-gentlemen of the peanut gallery, we have returned. Cammy ended up laying five more eggs. Sadly, the second one *first fertile egg* died after a cricket got in there and nibbled on it while they and Dezzy shared the Nursery. The third one... there was just something wrong with it. It had a dent in it and, eventually, caved in the rest of the way. The fourth, fifth, seventh, and eighth died of dehydration because my school activities kept me from getting the time to make sure the eggs were wet. The sixth one survived, however, but also died later. I will keep the "Second generation" page up as a memorial to them. Since I am sick today, I have plenty of time to add to the site. However, we also have good news. Caranoles and I got a second 10-gallon cage for the eggs, thus making the decoration of Dezzy's cage much easier. First of all, Caranoles taped white paper around the cage *this makes light reflect through the glass, thus making Dezzy's reflection extremely difficult to see; this had been why Dezzy was always brown when in there*. Then *later on; much later*, I removed the carpet from the bottom of the cage, washed away the cricket bodies and poop from the crickets that had gotten under there, and lined the floor with wet paper towels to replace the carpet. Then, I cleaned the palm-tree thing *yes, I still have it* and the wooden hideaway half-trunk and put them in there. I also changed the water bowl and gave it some fresh water. Then, I put part of the 1.5 year anniversary gift from Caranoles *two lucky bamboo sticks!!!* in the water bowl. They seem to be healthy. Also, from Specks, I bought a cactus wood thing. It's like a hollow piece of wood, except a lot weirder. They seem to like it, so what the heck. Dezzy is enjoying the new style of his cage, and it looks a lot better. In Cammy's cage, I am no longer watering the vermiculite, as she will no longer be laying fertile eggs. I am still cleaning the leaves and the carpet, of course. There is a grown cricket still in there which I need to throw outside, since neither of the anoles is big enough to eat it *and I think it is attacking the smaller ones; I just can't find it*. After her pregnancy, she wasn't eating much. I was very worried and didn't know what to do. Fortunately, she started eating again after about five days. She and Dezzy are both bright green these days, and if one is brown, it is a light shade caused by thirst or it being 75 degrees F *Indiana winters; I've got all the lights on 24/7, but it still gets a bit chilly every now and then. I'll be watchful of them, in case the lights go out.* Non-anole related news: A few weeks ago, Caranoles bought a male hermit crab, whom she named Herman *in honor of the writers of one of my favorite songs, "Henry the Eighth," Herman's Hermits*. As a 1.5 year anniversary present, I gave her the then-vacant cage, complete with gravel, a big hideout thing, extra shells, and an old light fixture *used to belong to Dezzy; I found a bigger one for $10 at Speck's and got it for Dezzy, giving the old one to Herman and Caranoles*. Unfortunately, the gravel was the wrong type, but she's getting replacement substrate now. Seeking a companion for Herman, Caranoles went to her local pet store and bought another crab. Sadly, the new crab was too big and frightened Herman too much for him to leave his shell, so Caranoles' mom returned the crab for a new one. Unfortunately, the NEWER one had caught some disease from the pet store and died in about five days. Herman is just fine, though; no diseases. In fact, he's very friendly and active. I'm feeling like a nap now, so g'night. Sleep tight, Cammyndezzy. *pronounced ca-MEE-en-DEH-zee (allusion: Lord of the Flies' Samneric)*

For May 2002's news, go here.
For June 2002's news, go here
For July 2002's news, go here
For August 2002's news, go here

Want to go back without the help of the stupid "Back" button on your browser that never works because it's a stupid piece of sh- *manager: "Nick, calm down"* Oh, sorry. Anyway, to go back, click your heels one time. *see? We're more energy efficient than Dorothy's stupid shoes! :-p*