Camillo, the Mother Anole

Camillo was a character in Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale." King Leontes of Sicilia suspects that his wife is committing adultery with King Polixenes of Bohemia. Leontes instructed his servant, Camillo, to poison Polixenes. Instead of poisoning him, Camillo informed Polixenes of Leontes' plan and helped him return to Bohemia. Camillo was a lover, not a fighter, as is my Cammy.

Camillo was bought from Petsmart on May 24, 2002. As of the day we bought him *EDITOR'S NOTE: I recently discovered Camillo is a girl; please excuse the male references, which we have retained for... laziness*, he is 4.5 inches long.

Alright, we're done with the boring stuff. Now, on to the good part.

When we got him from the store, he was, obviously, underfed. His stomach was wrinkled and his legs were thin. However, we could see that he had a will to live. We chose him, and he sure gave the employee a--quite literally-- run for his money. He is the healthiest anole that I have ever owned in my life *besides Desdemona*. Even as I write, he is stalking a cricket. Ready, aim... drat. Stupid cricket. Why'd you have to jump to another leaf? Oh, well. Cammy is still quite active, even though all his food tries to escape under the carpet *watches the cricket* Okay, forget "tries." Well, anyway, he's obviously going to be well off, as he's eaten at least two crickets in the last two days, one of which was quite large.

Also, Camillo and Desdemona are getting along quite well. Not surprising, seeing as though they most likely grew up together. Also, they like to be close to each other, probably because they were in such close quarters while living in the cage. I think that they will be quite happy together from now on. *hint hint: I think that I will be having little eggs sometime in the future O:-)*

*3 months later* In case you haven't been reading everything on the website, I have a news flash: CAMMY IS A GIRL! Fortunately, Dezzy happens to be a guy. Thus, everything is peachy. Well, anyway, she and Dezzy mated on 7/29. An infertile egg was laid on 7/28, and imploded on 8/8. Once fertile eggs are laid, I will take pictures, remove them from the cage, and incubate them to life. Meanwhile, Cammy's personality shines through as a people-person. She still loves to be held, as is evident in the Picture Gallery. Still, she's just as happy hangin' in the cage with her husband.

Want to go back without the help of the stupid "Back" button on your browser that never works because it's a stupid piece of sh- *manager: "Nick, calm down"* Oh, sorry. Anyway, to go back, click your heels one time. *see? We're more energy efficient than Dorothy's stupid shoes! :-p*