Our Thoughts

Move over, Ann and Abby Landers, Herman, and Heloise. Here come the new masters of advice-giving: US!!! Alright, so we DON'T deal with things that can directly alter human lives. However, we DO deal with something MUCH more important: Green Anole care. So, if you have a question about anoles, feel free to write to Nick or Cara. We will be glad to answer whatever questions you have to the best of our ability.

Well, as of yet, we have no questions. However, I am confident that I will receive e-mails soon. "Because I'm smart, talented, and, doggone it--people like me!" *waits for laughter; crickets chirp in the background; they suddenly stop* Thank you, Camillo. Well, I think I'm funny...

Want to go back without the help of the stupid "Back" button on your browser that never works because it's a stupid piece of sh- *manager: "Nick, calm down"* Oh, sorry. Anyway, to go back, click your heels one time. *see? We're more energy efficient than Dorothy's stupid shoes! :-p*